
Du er velkommen til at kontakte os med spørgsmål eller ønsker om at finde nogle at samarbejde med. Vi er en lille forening bestående af tre medlemmer; Martin von Haller, Christian Villum og Peter Leth.

Det giver naturligt ikke så mange kræfter, men vi vil selvfølgelig gerne se om vi kan hjælpe.

Creative Commons kan kontaktes på følgende måder.

Peter Leth (chapter lead) telefon 5152 2387 eller leth (at) creativecommons.dk

Christian Villum (global council member) villum (at) creativecommons.dk

Creative Commons’ danske historie

Creative Commons har haft en dansk afdeling siden 2006.

Creative Commons internationale historie kan du læse mere om på nettet, fx på Creative Commons .org, der er foreningens hovedside.

About Creative Commons

Creative Commons is an international non-profit organization that provides free licenses and tools that copyright owners can use to allow others to share, reuse and remix their material, legally. The Creative Commons international site has more about sharing your work, using and remixing other’s works, what we do and international news.

Join us!

The Creative Commons Global Network works together to realize our shared values and build relationships around the world.
We encourage and welcome people and organizations to participate in the Creative Commons Global Network and Australian chapter.
Join the global community discussion on topics and issues of interest on Slack.
Participate with people collaborating across the Global Network on a Network Platform
Lead the CC movement as a Network Member
Introduce yourself to the chapter by email us at info@creativecommons .org and we’ll send you an invitation to our meetings.