Creative Commons vil igang med at skrive en bog om åbne forretningsmodeller baseret på CC-licenserne: Så flere kan lære om hvordan man kan dele, men samtidig skabe en bæredygtig platform for kunstnere og indholdsskabere.
Giv en hjælpende hånd på Kickstarter, så vi kan producere dette inspirerende værktøj! Læs mere her eller i det følgende:
“Open” = the digital commons, collaboration, transparency, community.
Some people want you to believe there is a conflict between Open and Business. We’re out to shatter that illusion.
Creative Commons (“CC”) is a nonprofit dedicated to Open. CC licenses are free copyright licenses creators apply to their own works, enabling the public to reuse the work under certain conditions. Sometimes CC licensing is core to a business strategy, and sometimes it is simply a way to increase the number of eyeballs on a work. In all cases, CC brings an element of social good to the table.
We want to show the world the full spectrum of open business models made using Creative Commons. Our goal is to begin to answer what we consider one of the most important questions of the digital age: how do creators make money to sustain what they do when they are letting the world reuse their work?
We are starting this work by trying out our own open business model here on Kickstarter. We want you to both support us, and help steer this project. Ready? Read on…